Friday, February 18, 2011


Jim Fitzpatrick:
This is a local illustrator who has produced album artwork for Thin Lizzy and Sinead O'Connor. His illustrations are very detailed and precise and I can't see my final pieces going down that road. However I have recently acquired his contact details and I will play on his experience to see if he can explain the processes and techniques he used when creating such pieces.

James Gulliver Hancock
An illustrator from Australia currently based in New York he has worked for a number of major print, TV and music publishing releases. His illustration style is more simple however his outcomes are sometimes very intricate.

I can see my illustrations taking a similar route and had an idea to possibly use each age from the lyrics of the song and extract typical life elements related to that age in illustration (like JGH's music image located to the right).

Check out James Gulliver Hancock's current venture to draw all the buildings in New York.

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